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About Us.

35 years of professional experience providing companies with information and advice instrumental to growth and success.

“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in a world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact, it is an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration, it’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary.
Impossible is nothing.”


- John Maxwell  Author

David Andy Gronik
David S. (Andy) Gronik, Jr.

Founder, President & CEO



Appraiser: Providing valuations of machinery, inventory, real estate, businesses and intangible assets that have supported billions in asset-backed loans; saved corporations tens of millions in taxes and; addressed complex financial reporting requirements.


Consultant: Helping corporations throughout the world GroBigger and GroBetter™ by providing thought leadership quickly, assessing opportunities and risks and implementing workable solutions.


Expert Witness: Supplying authoritative and defensible expertise that quickly brings contentious disputes to successful resolution.


Asset Manager: Maximizing ROI through superior asset management.


Risk Manager: Avoiding catastrophic losses while appropriately managing premium costs.


Auctioneer: Tapping into world markets and maximizing recovery values.


Pioneer: Helping to create collateralized lending standards for the now global asset-based lending industry


Innovator: Revolutionizing the way professionals leverage global market data to make fully informed business decisions.


Entrepreneur: Growing successful businesses to global prominence.


Leader: Bringing equal passion for walking the factory floor identifying opportunities as for being in the boardroom driving successful growth strategies.


Speaker: Presenting timely information about market trends and conditions; asset values; and appraisal practices and techniques.


Instructor: Teaching collateral lending workshops to international lenders.


© GroBiz LLC 2023 All Rights Reserved

Business Hours:  Now is good

GroBiz LLC  13085 E Placita Remuda, Tucson Arizona  85749
P: 262.227.4966  |

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